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(por sus siglas en inglés) El Cambio Extremo a tu Imagen Atlética

At any level of athletic competition the physical prize competed for doesn’t last. There is, however, a higher prize to pursue, one that won’t spoil or fade away. Part I: Build your own athletic department based on God’s definition of success and everyone from the Athletic Director to the supporting community has a part in it. 7 Lessons.  Part II: 30 one-page devotions featuring Olympic athletes and how they trained their character. Plus: The Training Room – Scripture for every athletic moment.

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If you are considering beginning your own Dad and kids Bible study or you are ready to go, we can help.

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"Porque lo he elegido, para que él dirija a sus hijos y a su familia después de él a seguir el camino del Señor haciendo lo correcto y justo."

(Génesis 18:19)

Practice Ministries

6125 Luther Ln

Suite 183

Dallas, Texas 75225

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